Dance and its Association with Rites of Passage

Released on = February 3, 2007, 5:04 am

Press Release Author = Dance to Health

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = In our modern, increasingly confused and chaotic world,we
need Dance and Rites of Passage more than ever before.

Press Release Body = Dance and rites of passage go far beyond, birth, marriage and
death ceremonies. There are also educational, social and spiritual rites of passage.
People are in a highly emotional state at times of major life changes.
These occasions are not just social transitions but often have a strong spiritual

Today there are reports from Middle Eastern countries of women in labor performing
belly dances with their female friends and family to aid the birth.

Another transition is that from young person to adulthood. Ceremonies for both boys
and girls emphasize that adulthood brings responsibilities to their society. Tribal
knowledge is passed on by the elders. Boys initiation can be painful and
frightening. In some areas young girls undergo clitoridectomy or infibulation. I
fervently hope that the practitioners themselves will decide to allow this custom to
die out. The Sunrise Ceremony marks the point of transition for an Apache girl.
There is a report of a girl dancing in her heavy buckskin outfit for six hours. The
Bambuti Pygmies of Zaire have a rite of passage called \"elima\". Older female
relatives teach the girls the sons, dances and village history. The conclusion of
the ceremony is marked by dancing.

In parts of Latin America and the United States girls may celebrate their
\"quinceanera\". The celebrant picks an escort for herself. She invites sixteen other
young people to be members of her court. Each court member is expected to spend time
rehearsing choreographed dances.

In Australia debutante balls are generally held in the eleventh year of school. The
girl asks a boy to the ball. Boys cannot attend unless they are asked.

A cotillion or debutante ball in the United States of America is a presentation of
young ladies to those who are considered to be the \"cream of society\". The girls are
usually recommended by a distinguished committee or sponsored by an established
community member. These balls are often charity affairs.

In tribal society all members undergo rites of passage. In the United States
selection, social status and finance are the qualifying factors.

The debutante season originated in the eighteenth century. This rite of passage
established a girls position in society while also declaring her to be of
marriageable age. Queen Elizabeth 11 abolished the ceremony of presentation at court
in 1958.

World wide marriage is associated with dancing.

In death too, music and dance play a part. The New Orleans jazz funeral has its
origins in Africa. As soon as the mourners say farewell to the body or leave the
cemetery, the band plays joyous tunes and everyone dances back to the lodge hall.
Death is the final and ultimate rite of passage!

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Contact Details = Dzagbe Cudjoe

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